Santander launched a new strategy to promote their OneApp and Edge platforms following several recent updates to their brand and products. To sustain and enhance engagement within their employee engagement programme, there was a need to create fresh, dynamic screen content. The focus was on transforming the previously created Edge Tags into a condensed video format, ensuring that all tags were retained but presented in a shorter duration. The ultimate aim was for the video to conclude with all the tags merging to form the Edge logo.
To meet these requirements, Wonder hired me to collaborate closely with a Graphic Designer who conceptualised the name tag designs. My role was to animate these 108 name tags into two concise videos that would bring the vision to life. The final videos showcased the tags merging to create the Edge logo.
To ensure the videos were adaptable across various platforms, I produced them in three different formats, each adhering to Unity Place content guidelines:
Large format video files tailored for display on multiple screen types, including:
- Station Side Screen: (Landscape, 72 LED panels - 12x6)
- City Side Screen: (Landscape, 40 LED panels - 10x4)
- Urban Food Market Screen: (Landscape, 48 LED panels - 8x6)
By following these specifications, the videos were optimised for seamless display on various screens, ranging from internal intranet pages to large public panels, ensuring broad visibility and engagement.
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